I took a long
hard look
at my so called friends
I don't see any
of them much
I have a few
that I consider
close enough
but we see
once or twice
a year
I took a long
hard look
at my life
it's lonely
very lonely
no friends
for dinner
or on a
Saturday night
no one just
swinging by
for a drink
or a hug
my life is lonely
my love is far
I know happiness
and I feel it
but at the same time
sadness and pain
My baby is gone
for a week now
I had one phonecall
and one visit
for ten minutes
from "friends"
I forgot
forgot how to
keep up with friends
and share
fun and happiness
my life is lonely
the one that keeps
me going
and keeps me alive
is far away
but feels like
the only one
who really cares
© AngelZpublishing 2006