Monday, June 26, 2006

A people's gift

how you can
get up in the morning
sleepy and tired

being like almost
any other
making breakfast
lunch to go
hop on bike or
into car
get into work

days pass
without enjoyment
with just doing
what need to be done
thousands of people
being stuck at work

and still
what amazes me
finding energy
of from each other
like when I arrive
at my boring job
it's the people
that lift me up

the laughter
stories, the easy way
of hanging with each other
and before you know it
the room is lighted

the day flows easier
the energy is buzzing
the exhaustion made place
for energy and good mood

I am thankful
for that group of people
that make my boring work
lighter and fun

© AngelZpublishing 2006