It's a funny thing
the Internet
you make friends
you never really know
or even meet
you loose some
and make some new
you laugh, fight, cry,
get hurt, make up
and talk again
they're real but they're not
cyber friends I call them
the ones I've never met
but still feel like long time friends
It's easier to say things
and easier to get into a fight
One I NEVER considered to be
my friend
I got fed up with tonight
I gave her a huge blow out
in front of 20 other cyber "friends"
I think she got the message this time
Others that haven't talked to me
for like 2 years
Are happy to being able to talk to me
One even said, It's so Awesome to
being able to talk to you again.
Cyber friends, friends they
come and go, some stay, some don't
some stay strangers, some become friends,
some you meet, most you don't
like a mixed bowl they come together
in one life
some touch you're soul, most don't
with one I fell in love, with that one I still am.
Some will never met, some will never leave.
I am grateful, the one that I've met
will never leave..........
funny thing, the Internet