Sunday, March 25, 2007


An hour forward
an hour back,
time is stolen from us
and we're not getting it back

daylight saving starts today
in Europe
Bush made the USA start
3 weeks ago
and now they take it back
the hour we had extra
to spend with each other

never time
so much time difference
I go to bed when my honey
is getting ready with dinner
in the middle of the night
for me like 3 am in the morning
is only 8 pm for her

loving, missing, crying, begging
laughing, needing, wanting
wondering why there is never
enough time for us
why there isn't an easy simple
and working solution for us to
be together

struggling timezone to timezone
and now 2 years later
there is still no time
no time to spend with each other
phone call to phone call
timezone to timezone
country to country