Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Letter to my past.

I finally did it
I've sent a letter
to my past
to close things
former relationship
was already closed
but somewhere
deep down

not everything was said yet

amazing how good
it feels to write
I have been a writer
ever since I could write
and the words on paper
give me so much comfort
peace, and piece of mind

so did this
I have an amazing woman
cuz I can share my past
with her
I've read her the letter
and she said "cool"
like she always does
that's what I so love about her

It's funny how she
made me realize
that indeed we don't
live in the past
but we can't enter
the present aslong
we don't leave the past

I live my life with my honey
and I life in the future, the present,
and I believe part of the past
makes who you are in the present
some of the past needed closure
I got that today
I wrote a letter to my past
so I can step into the present
and dream about the future

© AngelZpublishing 2006