Saturday, September 30, 2006
Soul Searching II
And whatever comes our way, good or bad, I know we can make it. Our love is standing strong, and is making it all over the pacific ocean. So can also make it over a few bumps.
Listen to your heart above all other voices.............
© AngelZpublishing 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
Welcome home!
the fight you get into as a kid
they shouldn't be between parents and kids
but it seem once you get older
it's the thing that keeps happening
I wasn't easy as a kid,
not really difficult either,
It got harder when I hit puberty
and it's worse now I guess
Never have I heard
two people yell at me so hard
over the phone.
My mom normally hangs up on me
I wanted to be the stronger one
so I didn't while she handed the phone
to my dad, like I care if its her of him
that man lost my respect many years ago
when he broke four of my ribs.
The words where nasty, ugly and mean
and they hit me straight in my gay heart
voices where raised and tears where flowing
I guess some parents, just don't ever truly accept
their gay daughter.
that's what is was about, gay and respect
out of what they said, I can buy their respect, (long story)
I choose my heart, my love, and my own gay mind.
I am smart, and a good person
and I don't care what my parents say any more
I am going on my 4 time around the block
in a couple of years, but I guess for them
I am still the 19 year old girl, who got kicked out.
I told them, I had this conversation with them
19 years ago, I wasn't expecting that I had to do it again.
and I told them, respect is something you earn
you can't demand it, they lost mine
I am thinking of letting go,
totally, not my love, my parents
right now, like 8 hours after the fight,
I am still thinking about the letting go!
so that definitely was a warm welcome,
welcome home!
Flying Dutchie
Of course the goodbye's are hard and sad and covered with tears, that's the part we never will get used too, that sucky part is always on airports without privacy for saying goodbye or see you soon in a proper way (Amsterdam is better than Minneapolis). People staring at you, even eyeballing, or poke each other to let each other know that two lezzies are kissing! Oh my god, GROW UP!! I don't give a damn anyway haha. Then the hardest part, go through security, after that you can still see each other but you can't hold hands or touch or kiss each other anymore, that is my time to break down and let the water flow. Realision hits you, you're really leaving!
that part keeps breaking my heart, after we can't see each other anymore we always call right away to calm down. She leads me to my gate, I make sure she won't drive till she is calm.
The first flight was to Chicago, that was a riot, NOT being stuck with two big guys next to you, all squished up against the plane window, and me afraid of heights really don't want to sit next to a window. Thank god that only took us 45 minutes! As soon as the plane hit ground I get out my cell phone and call my girl, to check on her ( yes I am one of those annoying people, who don't listen to the captain that cell phones have to stay turned off till we're at the gate, I don't care!)
She just got home from dropping me off at the airport! So I wait for my luggage, and yes it was here this time. And find my gate to Amsterdam. NO SEAT AVAILABLE! Holy f***! WHAT?! They overbooked the flight and there 11 people that can't get on the plane! I get my name on a list, and pray for volunteers to give up their seat. The boarding starts and less and less people are at the gate and I still don't have a seat on that fricken plane! While I start stressing out, and my girl tries to keep me calm on the phone, I am trying to keep my eyes on my luggage, the announcement board and the guy that can get me on the plane. When 95% of the people are on board of the plane I see the guy getting the microphone out and I keep my fingers crossed, and in the list of names, (I feel like I am in class again) I hear something that sounds like my name with a very American accent! Yay thank god I have a seat! and it's aisle, Man do I feel lucky today! I get on the plane, sit next to a very nice girl, that talks so soft that I can barely hear her above the plane engine, but I knot friendly and smile, she must have thought I was crazy or something, cuz at one point she stopped talking (grin) I watched An inconvenient truth, the movie with Al Gore, and I watched X-men to get my mind of things. (sometimes you need a mindless movie). About 8 hours and 15 minutes later I am back on Dutch grounds, not that I want to be here! But I am.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Monkeys and Boots
Finally we found some rest, snuggle some, do some cleaning, just do the little stuff.
cleaned out some rooms today, organizing little me, can't stand a mess. Yesterday was awsome too! Some shopping and man did I spend a lot of money. Getting monkeys and Boots, shirts and brownies all to bring home. I can't really do good without stuff from home. I need my cheetos and my brownies, my muffins and patatoes.
Oh well I got my stuff done, and it's family time now, so sorry for not much writing. We want to get all out of the time we got left.
Love, Peace and Rock and Roll
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Apple donuts and tornadoes
So much has happened since the last day I wrote, was that yesterday? I can't even remember that. Yesterday I had an Off day, today I am better. Last couple of days were fun tho, we went to this apple place, I call it an apple farm, but it seem to be an apple orchard so I better believe them. Lots of apples there, all kinds of fun stuff and yummy stuff. Saturday night the Vixen Football game, we lost again, but it was fun. On our way home a wind was coming in, and lightning I've never seen! It was like 1000 flashes in a row and more, and it kept coming! But no rain! Until we had to get gas, we stopped at the gasstation and as usual I went in to go to the restroom and our bug was looking for candy, so all set to get out of there, we looked outside, it was like the dam broke, water everywhere, it was raining so hard, so hard I've never seen anything like it. Thinking we saw the worst of it, we kept driving on the highway home. Then out of the blue, we hit a wall of water. It was like we ended up in the Mississippi river, we couldn't see anything, and I mean NOTHING. Not the road, no lining, no lights not even the windshield wipers. In the middle of the highway! We tried to pull over, but we felt that we were offroad somewhere and we didn't wanted to end up in the ditch. What seems to take an hour just took about 2 minutes in complete darkness to find an exit off the highway. We parked there and waited for it to get better. Those where two scary fricken minutes!! As soon as the rain was a little less we were back on the road, to get home as soon as possible. Then the rain stopped completely, and it got really scary quiet. Nothing just carlights and passing cars. My girl told me "that's not good" and she was right! We finally got home, turned on the news and what seemed?
we went through an F2 deadlyTornado!!!! A girl got killed when her house collapsed on top of her. 247 houses where damaged or totally blown over. Lots of damage everywhere in the path of the Tornado. And we drove straight through it!!! Guess we had some angels looking over us that night!
Be strong and happy, love peace and rock and roll
God's fall palette of colors

Amazing how fall
just touched one side
of the woods
they're turning
in the most amazing
colors I've ever seen
one side pine
one side mixed
one side green
one side a palette of
fall colors
like fall just
reached out one
finger and touched
some trees
but wasn't ready yet
for fall to really kick in
trees are losing leaves
but it's comforting
to walk and hear
the wind trying
to pull of those colors
the yellow and red
are breath taking
amazing how god's palette
can color up nature
with the most amazing
Monday, September 18, 2006
Restless Monday
As time is passing, my stomach is getting more restless. The feeling of leaving soon is making me sick to my stomach and makes my head spin. Even tho I have another week to spend with the people I love most, at the house where I feel more at home then anywhere else. I love this place in my life. But I so hate the leaving. It's peacefully, and my happyplace. I do my thing and make others happy with that. While "at home" in Holland, I do my thing, and all it does is frustrating me. The only thing I miss, are my cats. Other then that I don't have to leave this save haven. Wasn't it for the fact, the people put a moron on the thrown of the empire. A Moron who wouldn't even recognize his own two feet if they were walking in rainbow shoes. A moron who wouldn't love his own daughter if she were gay. (pink/dear mr.president). Makes me feel restless that all I need is that little green paper, which says: you can stay! And there is nothing I can do! Watching around this room I am at now, I feel empty, still filled with love. Confusion and a struggle inside. Hope and desperation at the same time. Feeling so much love, willing to leave all behind, and start a new, at the place, with the people you love more then your own life, and not being able to. It's going to be a tough week this week. I so don't want to go back to Holland. Where life isn't as good, and neighbor's wake you with their weekly fight, course the walls are so thin. Where the neighbor's dog, runs around playing and the cups are falling out of your cupboard because of it. Where all you want to do is cover your head up with blankets make the world fade, and dream of a better life, at a better place. My wolf inside is howling for heartache, sadness and loneliness. But hey! Another week! Awesome! Another week at the place I love most. With my girl, to sleep in her arms, kiss her soft lips, and be silly and loving with.
I will keep my head up!(I'll try)
Be strong and happy, Love peace and rock and Roll
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Nickelback day today!!!

September 14th, Thursday, 9:19 am CT USA, MN
Nickelback day today!
Today is the day, it's finally here, I am so excited! Were going to see Nickelback! We are so going to Rock tonight!The funstuff about this concert is too, that they're taping it for the live DVD, Nickelback tour! So we can see the concert back on dvd and maybe we're on that too...........You have to get in really early for that tho, and we're not sure if we want that. We just want to have a nice quiet dinner at applebee's and prepare for some noise! All is going well here, I love the daily live the way it is, getting up at 3 am to get my girl up for work,(normally as soon she is up, I fall back to sleep) then get back up at 7 am to get our son up for school (he is normally really grumpy in the morning) then after he gets on the bus, I take my walk with Dakota (big dingo) and we walk for an hour. After that I don't know, take a shower do some stuff, go online, or just be lazy (hey I'm on vacation!) around 1 pm my girl comes home from work and the fun stuff starts! That's basically my daily thing and you know what? I love it! I love to be a mom, and a partner a lover a best friend!
My tattoo is healing up really nicely, its itchy but we're getting there! It looks awesome, oh I didn't share any pics yet now did I? hmmmmmmmmmm hold on..............
sorry had to take the pictures down.
this is while John was working on me , dang this tattoo hurted so bad, you can still see my old tattoo in there.............
And this is what it looks like now!!!! Isn't that amazing?
It hurted like hell! A cover up is painfully I know that much now, but man it was definitely worth it!!
So Nickelback tonight, I am excited!! I am going to grab me some breakfast now, and take a nice long warm shower, I will write more after the concert.
Be happy, be strong, love, peace and rock and roll
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Some pictures
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
South Dakota
Tuesday, September 12th 2006, USA, MN
South Dakota
Wow! What a trip, 10 hours of beautiful sight seeing on our way to south Dakota. And Oh my god, what a drive! The wideness, and the fields all in different colors, breath taking.
After entering SD (South Dakota) it took us another 3 hours to get through. We spend the first night in Ocoama, near chamberlain, nice people, good breakfast and clean room and bed, which I find really important. It was the cutest little town!
From there moving further closer to the black hills, going for the badlands! Oh my god I never, ever saw anything more beautiful then that! It's a National Park, and I understand now, why this spot has been used for so many Hollywood movies. It's wild, rough, and so breath taking, so huge, wide and amazing, and I understand why they made it a protected area, you won't find a more gorgeous spot in the world in North America.
Containing the worldÂs richest Oligocene epoch fossil beds, dating 37-28 million years old, the evolutionary stories of mammals such as the horse and rhinoceros arise from the 244,000 acres of sharply eroded buttes, pinnacles, and spires. Bison, bighorn sheep, endangered black-footed ferrets, and swift fox roam one of the largest, protected mixed-grass prairies in the United States.

After that we kept driving, towards mount Rushmore (the mountain with the president faces) and to Crazy Horse, driving through roughest areas and mountains, passing the most wonderful little towns, mostly western towns,awesomee to see that the wild west is still living here, although it's not as wild anymore. Bought two pairs of western boots, ofcourse I couldn't resist, me and my obsession for western boots. We kept going, up to Mount Rushmore we got caught in a thick fog, cloud what ya me call it, it was so thick, I swear, I stuck my hand out of the carwindow and it was gone!! We couldn't see shit! It was scary going up a mountain that high without seeing anything, but Michelle, my sweet lover and ourdesignatedd driver brought us up the mountain. But we couldn't see anything so she brought us down the mountain too, and it was funny, as soon as we got lower at the mountain the fog (cloud) was gone, and it was clear as a whistle unbelievable. We went to Crazy Horse Mountain that wasawesomee to see, an tribute to therightfull people of this country carved into a mountain. There is a lot of history behind this story If you want to find out about this, just google it. So we went to go see Mount Rushmore but we ended up to see Crazy Horse, Mount Rushmore was still covered in thick fog so since we couldn't see a rats ass we decided to find us a hotel room, and stay the night and try again the next day.
We ended up in Hill City, a one street little town with only 780 people living there! I love those little towns. We got us some order out pizza and headed for bed. The next morning we finally got to see Mount Rushmore it's huge and very impressive, granite portraits of Washington, Jefferson, T. Roosevelt, and Lincoln, we spent half a day there and used other half to get back home.Whichh didn't totally worked so we ended up in another hotel to spend the night.
Monday we got home around 5 pm while we started driving at around 9 am that was along day of driving we found that innerstate 90 seemed to take forever. But were here, save and sound. Back in Minnesota.
Love, Peace and Rock and Roll.
Friday, September 08, 2006
River backdoor
Walking the daily walk today with our dog. And it's so nice in the morning out here! Basically the hour when doesn't really matter it's is so awesome out here period. But on our daily walk, that leads us straight to a wood of Pine trees, there is an opening between the trees, and you can see the Mississippi. That always makes me smile. We ( the dog and me) follow the narrow path down, while you can see the seasons change. Leaves are already letting go of their trees, squirrels are running everywhere and collecting pine- apples for winter, We walk down the narrow path, and you feel like you are in the middle of a big dark wood, when there you see the Mississippi river, the water bright and shiny calling you, that moment brings me so much peace. My mood is sensible course even the dog, stops and looks at me, I guess he can feel my inner peace at that moment. As we follow down the path, the river stops you in your, almost free fall down the hill, there it is.............
When we follow the path back up, my soul feels so much lighter, and my head so much clearer.
what's more awesome then having the river as your backdoor? To me, being here, with the love of my life, our son, and that awesome peaceful river at my backdoor, nothing else matters.
the world can fade, and I will be perfectly happy.
While now, sitting here, typing my blog, the dog peaceful laying on my feet, I can Re- call the peaceful feeling I had when we were standing there, at the riverbank, I feel like going there again.................c'mon Dakota, you want to go for a walk? c'mon boy.............
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Well I wrote an long blog with all the stuff we've done this last week and then I lost it into cybherspace and I so don't feel like writing it all again!!
So I will fill ya all in but I will keep it short.
Went to the statefair this weekend it was awsome, I love the fact they have all the food
on a stick there. and I mean spaghetti on a stick, hamburger on a stick Imagine that!
walked our asses off, and had lots of fun.
went to the football game on saturdaynight but we were a little late so we missed kick off!
It's hard to get somewhere on time with a 10 year old running around!
tomorrow he will have his first day of school so we will get a little more time for eachother!
at noon I will have John putting on my new tattoo, i am really looking forward to that one cuz it will wipe out the last marking of my past. Ive started a new life and I feel good in it.
Been cruising on highways here, trying to drive around in the truck and getting the hang of the american traffic rules! My girl is keeping a close eye on me. But I am having fun. the weather is awsome here its about 27c the sun is mostly out, and it gives me the feeling i have been seeing a little bit of summer.
called home a few times today, found out all my cats are doing good.
well that's it for now I guess, i will try to write again tomorrow or otherwise later somewhere this week.
Enjoy life, love peace and rock and roll
Saturday, September 02, 2006
September 1st 2006 MN, USA Being so Home
Well here we are, we had an awesome picnic yesterday we went on bike through Mississippi pines and found us a nice spot right under some pines half shade half sun and we talked laughed and enjoyed eachothers company taking it kinda slow this week,we're taking stuff kind off slow, do some stuff around the house some groceries, and some laundry other then that not much, I noticed I have a little trouble with the timezone thing, so for me it is all good. I am happy to finally be with my girl and our son and pick up life the way it should be just daily stuff, nothing fancy this weekend to the Minnesota state fair and Saturday night to the vixen Football game. I love this state, the wideness the amazing beauty and the silence I sleep my nights without waking I am so at peace here I am so home |
Friday, September 01, 2006
Summerblog I am here!
after a bumpy flight
and getting up and started
at 5 am tuesdaymorning
I got home in Minnesota
at 2 am
as usual the waiting
takes the longest
I get bored easily
especially at airports
but after a wait of 3 hours
I got on my plane to Chicago
The nine hour flight
was, well just call it
do-able, watched 3 movies
and even got an hour of sleep
the annoying people
next to me and in front of me
well.....lets not talk about them
after that one i had another
one waiting for me
at Chicago, what I thought
would be a long wait
turned out to be a hurry up job
had to get my luggage off
and then put it on the other plane
took me almost 45 minutes to
get my suitcases and hell then
I found out my other flight was
leaving in 45 minutes
so I got through customs
and security, rushed
to a convenience store
to get my Chicago cap
and jumped on the other plane home
that was only a one hour flight
so that went really well
once at the airport of Minneapolis
I got kinda excited and jumpy
(as far as I could after a 20 hour flight)
and there she was
I could finally hold her in my arms
again, my heart racing
my mind going a thousand miles
an hour.
after a giggle and a hug and kiss
we were off to get some suitcases
that didn't came
seems my suitcases where
shipped onto another plane
also to Chicago but we had
to wait another half hour for them
so we went outside and stared
in eachothers eyes
totally in love, and sighed
finally the carousel was
spinning again
get off my suitcases
and head home,
home oh how I wanted
to be home
Our son, waiting for us.
After 22 hours I was home
deadly tired but satisfied and home
we fell asleep hard
more soon.
Love, peace and Rock and Roll!
© AngelZpublishing 2006