Friday, September 29, 2006

Welcome home!

The misunderstanding of a parent
the fight you get into as a kid
they shouldn't be between parents and kids
but it seem once you get older
it's the thing that keeps happening

I wasn't easy as a kid,
not really difficult either,
It got harder when I hit puberty
and it's worse now I guess
Never have I heard
two people yell at me so hard
over the phone.

My mom normally hangs up on me
I wanted to be the stronger one
so I didn't while she handed the phone
to my dad, like I care if its her of him
that man lost my respect many years ago
when he broke four of my ribs.

The words where nasty, ugly and mean
and they hit me straight in my gay heart
voices where raised and tears where flowing
I guess some parents, just don't ever truly accept
their gay daughter.

that's what is was about, gay and respect
out of what they said, I can buy their respect, (long story)
I choose my heart, my love, and my own gay mind.
I am smart, and a good person
and I don't care what my parents say any more

I am going on my 4 time around the block
in a couple of years, but I guess for them
I am still the 19 year old girl, who got kicked out.
I told them, I had this conversation with them
19 years ago, I wasn't expecting that I had to do it again.

and I told them, respect is something you earn
you can't demand it, they lost mine
I am thinking of letting go,
totally, not my love, my parents
right now, like 8 hours after the fight,
I am still thinking about the letting go!
so that definitely was a warm welcome,
welcome home!