September 14th, Thursday, 9:19 am CT USA, MN
Nickelback day today!
Today is the day, it's finally here, I am so excited! Were going to see Nickelback! We are so going to Rock tonight!The funstuff about this concert is too, that they're taping it for the live DVD, Nickelback tour! So we can see the concert back on dvd and maybe we're on that too...........You have to get in really early for that tho, and we're not sure if we want that. We just want to have a nice quiet dinner at applebee's and prepare for some noise! All is going well here, I love the daily live the way it is, getting up at 3 am to get my girl up for work,(normally as soon she is up, I fall back to sleep) then get back up at 7 am to get our son up for school (he is normally really grumpy in the morning) then after he gets on the bus, I take my walk with Dakota (big dingo) and we walk for an hour. After that I don't know, take a shower do some stuff, go online, or just be lazy (hey I'm on vacation!) around 1 pm my girl comes home from work and the fun stuff starts! That's basically my daily thing and you know what? I love it! I love to be a mom, and a partner a lover a best friend!
My tattoo is healing up really nicely, its itchy but we're getting there! It looks awesome, oh I didn't share any pics yet now did I? hmmmmmmmmmm hold on..............
sorry had to take the pictures down.
this is while John was working on me , dang this tattoo hurted so bad, you can still see my old tattoo in there.............
And this is what it looks like now!!!! Isn't that amazing?
It hurted like hell! A cover up is painfully I know that much now, but man it was definitely worth it!!
So Nickelback tonight, I am excited!! I am going to grab me some breakfast now, and take a nice long warm shower, I will write more after the concert.
Be happy, be strong, love, peace and rock and roll