Monday, May 11, 2009

a long long time ago...

Man, it has been a while.
so long that i had to look up my username
including the paswords...I'm so spoiled sitting here
with my brandnew 2009 wireless laptop...never been this spoiled
in my life! but happy! man im so happy!It's weird how i realize at times
that I'm raised really dutch, down to earth and working hard for stuff.
be happy with a hand me down aslong as it works you shouldn't be complaining.
But oh boy, I'm happy as a little kid on christmas morning and I'm enjoying it!
Lots of stuff happened on the other hand nothing really changed..
Im still completely in love..she spoils me rotten...but still too far away and still I want to go home.
Obama is bringing the change.. I can feel it.. I think he is going to bring me home! and not because I'm anything or anyone special but ya know, I, we deserve it! almost five years were proving our love to who it needs to be proven to. It's not hard work to love each other, it's hard work to be so far away from each other. It's asking a lot of energy, love and determination to keep hanging on, believing, loving, screaming, crying and Loving to believe and feel this love is the one! My sugar is!! we're keeping hope, there is no other option!

Ya know what? it feels good to write again, it brings me peace, and as always my fingers just go without thinking. without stopping, my fingers put in words what my mind is thinking its funny how im watching dutch tv while my mind and my fingers connect in English. Could I be using a bigger percentage of my brain, cuz i can do both languages at the same time? lol i wish there was a test to try it out.

Well after sitting here a while and typing i don't want this to become to long, but I'm going to be back tomorrow for sure cuz this feels good.
and it was a long long time ago when i started this blog...let's keep it going!

I love you sugar! ;-)