Sunday, October 30, 2011


I was ready,
I unsubcribed from Melissa Etheridge mailinglists.
Don't get me wrong, her music runs through my blood
how can it be different after rocking with her for 23 years.
And I do have my ticket for her concert in Amsterdam in 2012.
But stuff changed, the more emails came in with new footage, interviews
merchandise, the more it irritated me that it all says speak true.....
She isn't speaking true any her music stays but she is out!

Be good, be Love

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Mother nature.............

Not sure if I have something to say worth to share today
just being bored with my own thoughts I guess.
Life is just going and going feeling like it's even slipping at times
yesterday I applied for my green card AGAIN! 7TH time!
isn't it becoming time I will get it this time around?
I am a good egg, I believe. I do anything to return stuff that
I find to the rightfull owner. I help people cross the street
I'm almost a girl scout lol, work hard, love even harder!
so why? why am I not united with my wife and son yet?
just because mother nature told me I don't love boys as much as
I love girls? just people in grey suits made this this wonderful thing
into something wrong?
It's not fair! when do they understand being gay is NOT A CHOICE!
it's no virus, or something you can fix! it just is!
why can't I start my life with the ones that I love most?
our lives are on hold for 7 years!
our son is growing up to be a wonderful young man, and I am missing
the best parts!
Life is full of surprises in love and joy, I can only share it over the phone daily
or 6 weeks a year!
How is that fair? man in grey suits, get your head out of eachothers butt
and see what the world really is about!!
Love mother nature in all her glory and diversity! including gays!

Be good be love!