Sunday, September 16, 2007

A life changing expierence.....

for some reason I was thinking today
about my most embarrassing moment ever,
and I went
back to middle school 12 years old, at Dutch class
the teacher said, if there is anything you don't understand
or a word that you don't know, raise you're hand and ask me..........I did, man how I did............

so one of the students hit off with what ever it was that was written
and we stumbled upon a word that I, little miss naive, didn't know,
so really fanatic I raised my hand and as soon as the teacher told me
to tell him what it was I didn't understand I blurred out;..........MASTURBATION!
what does the word Masturbation means...................

I looked around me right away course I heard some popular kids,
smirk and laughing out loud, even the teacher had a fade smile on his face,
I felt my face turning red and my temples slamming the inside of my head
with full power, and the thought that I must have asked something really stupid,
but till that moment I still didn't know what I've asked.
As I looked around the classroom, slowly lowering my hand and feeling stupid,
the teacher said; sexual self satisfaction................before he even finished the last
word I felt my heart drop!! being naive and with an innocent smile, I tried to
put all my charms in to not just die right there..............
My heart was pumping faster than ever, and all I could say was; oh..........
I could feel my hands turning moist and I didn't feel so good to my stomach,
I faced my book laying on the desk and tried to disappear in thin didn't work

the rest of middle school,
I've never asked another word I didn't knew again, I looked it up in my dictionary
once I was home, never wanted to die of embarrassment in a class room again.
but amazingly I never got it back through classmates, I've never been teased with it.
and when I got home from school that day and my mom asked me how my day was, all I said was, I learned about masturbation today.............................