Sunday, January 10, 2010

Smell the daisy's

My life sucks,
my work sucks well in all actuality my boss sucks,
the distance between my wife and me about 5000 miles, sucks,
the weather sucks, snow, snow and more snow!
And my bank account sucks,
so conclusion my life sucks!
And the only one who can change it is me!
that sucks even more!

Not that i don't trust my own skills and posibilities
but I miss the... how do you say... tools?
I mean, there is much that I can get done,
but sometimes you would think, something can come easy...
just a little bit of help would be so much appreciated.
Every day I tell myself,
smell the daisy's,
life is good,
life is grant,
life is love and love is peace!
But there are so many people
trying to destroy that truth for me
it's sometimes so hard to live my life with that truth.
It's like everyone is trying to prove different!

So here's another sunday night, crying on webcam,
cuz I miss my Angel so much,
picking myself up, picking my angel up, picking my son up,
trying to be that ray of sunshine again, to keep good spirit
and smell the daisy's.....