Friday, June 09, 2006

The Storm

My feet are desperate searching for
Some solid rock to hold my body weight
And stops me from loosing control
The solid rock I was leaning on
Turned into sand, like some greater power
Was waiting to make me fall and tumble

Feel like I am standing on an edge
My cool expensive cowboy boots
Don’t let me grab solid ground
And I am slipping
In a reflex I do the only thing
I know to do, is hold on and grab
Anything I can, to stop me from

My hands desperate grabbing
For some soil, to keep me grounded
But the more I grab the more I find
Loose sand, to keep me from falling
The more I struggle the deeper I fall
I am making it worse but I can’t
Find the sense to think

I hit insanity realizing that
The only thing that can stop me
From falling, are your loving hands
Adrenaline is making my heart race
My head pound and my eyes spit water
Like it needs to fill a river

While my eyes are rolling in my head
From the insanity that comes over me
My feet find a rock to lean on again,
The sand is still loose but the rock is solid
And holding me up,
I can breath again, but afraid to fall again
And fall deeper and hit rock bottom

As I catch my breath, rub my watered eyes
I look at the sky, and see the clouds
Slowly drifting by predicting more
Stormy weather heading my way
Uncontrollable I have to face the storm
I need your loving hands to lead me
Through the storm, the storm we love
The storm called love…….

Let’s face the storm together………

© AngelZpublishing 2006