Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Corners of my mind

Ever felt that?
Not death fear
but any other

it comes close
when you get jealous
I can feel inner rage
never let that out

don't think I could
handle that
but it's there
makes you climb walls
with bare hands

makes you find
corners in your mind
you never saw
or even knew
they were there

Pain makes this fear
pain to lose
the pain of jealousy
I feel this pain
once in a while

it's tears me up
inside I bleed
my innervoice
but is never been

Fear comes from past
got hurt, saw the signs
you trust your guts

and the ghosts of your mind
have a ball
and make up their own story
mixed with your gut feeling

gives you the fear
the fear to fail
the fear to lose
the fear of

© AngelZpublishing 2005