Tuesday, March 13, 2007

my first time........

It was my first time
never done it before
I was really nervous at first
it got better once i got there
i had my first session
with a psychologist

Nothing bad,
just need to get some stuff
that had a huge impact on my life
off my chest
to heavy to carry
to much load to bare

Of course my parents
where under fire
and it strikes me how weird
I think my folks are.
Like today I called them
told them I went in for the first time
and all they said was " oh"

that was it "oh"
what can I make of that?
not a how did it go?
or are you OK?
what did you talk about?
just "oh"

I am going to try that with them
sometime just "oh"
I am bad like that,
I want their response on
the crap the pull with "oh"

but I'm growing
back to who I was
I have a wonderful woman
by my side
she is making me stronger
than I've ever been.

she is restoring my faith
in people again
believing in love and understanding
trusting on the will of you're own good heart

I have a long road to go
been beaten up and betrayed too
many times
by so called friends, lying in my face
using me for their own good

I was dumb, stupid and ignorant
I am a stronger woman now
independent and loving
a one woman woman
and in love than never before

thank you angel, for believing, loving,
trusting and standing by me all the way.