Friday, September 29, 2006

Flying Dutchie

What a journey! Home(?!) now all save and sound, empty and cold all over again. But man was I showered in Love! How much love can a girl get! I am the luckiest person on earth having a girl like that! The last week was awesome, we had relaxed evenings, hot nights (not that is it any of your business) easy mornings, and wonderful afternoons. Midnight baths, all with candles, funny stories and awesome tickle fights and some amazing laughs! God how I love to see hear her Laugh! And I love to make her laugh too. It's funny how my English picks up, and how I get smart with words, as soon as we are together. ( I don't have an accent!! ya hear me?)
Of course the goodbye's are hard and sad and covered with tears, that's the part we never will get used too, that sucky part is always on airports without privacy for saying goodbye or see you soon in a proper way (Amsterdam is better than Minneapolis). People staring at you, even eyeballing, or poke each other to let each other know that two lezzies are kissing! Oh my god, GROW UP!! I don't give a damn anyway haha. Then the hardest part, go through security, after that you can still see each other but you can't hold hands or touch or kiss each other anymore, that is my time to break down and let the water flow. Realision hits you, you're really leaving!
that part keeps breaking my heart, after we can't see each other anymore we always call right away to calm down. She leads me to my gate, I make sure she won't drive till she is calm.
The first flight was to Chicago, that was a riot, NOT being stuck with two big guys next to you, all squished up against the plane window, and me afraid of heights really don't want to sit next to a window. Thank god that only took us 45 minutes! As soon as the plane hit ground I get out my cell phone and call my girl, to check on her ( yes I am one of those annoying people, who don't listen to the captain that cell phones have to stay turned off till we're at the gate, I don't care!)
She just got home from dropping me off at the airport! So I wait for my luggage, and yes it was here this time. And find my gate to Amsterdam. NO SEAT AVAILABLE! Holy f***! WHAT?! They overbooked the flight and there 11 people that can't get on the plane! I get my name on a list, and pray for volunteers to give up their seat. The boarding starts and less and less people are at the gate and I still don't have a seat on that fricken plane! While I start stressing out, and my girl tries to keep me calm on the phone, I am trying to keep my eyes on my luggage, the announcement board and the guy that can get me on the plane. When 95% of the people are on board of the plane I see the guy getting the microphone out and I keep my fingers crossed, and in the list of names, (I feel like I am in class again) I hear something that sounds like my name with a very American accent! Yay thank god I have a seat! and it's aisle, Man do I feel lucky today! I get on the plane, sit next to a very nice girl, that talks so soft that I can barely hear her above the plane engine, but I knot friendly and smile, she must have thought I was crazy or something, cuz at one point she stopped talking (grin) I watched An inconvenient truth, the movie with Al Gore, and I watched X-men to get my mind of things. (sometimes you need a mindless movie). About 8 hours and 15 minutes later I am back on Dutch grounds, not that I want to be here! But I am.