Friday, November 10, 2006

Global warming.....

It worries me
you can see nature
being upset with us

the warmest winter in
almost 100 years
the wettest summer
in 120 years

It's November,
almost winter
and it's still not cold
outside here.

the climate is changing
the world is upset
I realized it when
I saw "an Inconvenient truth"

after that one you see
everything differently
and you start paying attention

when the weather guy
tells you " it was so nice out, it was really
warm for this time of year"

and I worry some more
I am not a health freak,
or anything like it
I still use my laptop,
and I still use a plane to fly home,
(my angel wings won't work on that distance(i know corny))

but I also watch the
electricity that I use,
and the water use,
I get on bike whenever I can
instead of using my car.

I don't throw out batteries,
and I recycle, not everything
I am honest, but I try.

It scares me the Global warming