Sunday, July 23, 2006

Murphy's Law

You know how
stuff never
gets broken
just by one thing?

how things happen
always in a three way?
the truth about
Murphy's Law?
It's so on me
these days

things that got broken:

one-my bike
two- vacuum cleaner
three- cell phone

things that went wrong:

one- food poisoning
two-grumpy little old me
three- kinda fight with my girl

things I missed out on this weekend

one- BBQ with my parents (no way with foodpoisoning)
two- A night out on the town with a friend from Amsterdam
three- A night out on the town with a friend from the south

no one ever can tell me that
Murphy's law
is all in my head
I know for sure
it all comes
in a three way

you know,
stuff never gets
broken just by
one thing at the time..........

© AngelZpublishing 2006